Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thank you my love

Angus you have been such a wonderful little boy. I am so grateful to have you in my life. The last few weeks have been hard for both of us. Your little brother is due any day now and Mommy's tummy is getting heavier and heavier. You my boy are growing up so quickly and moving so fast that it is sometimes hard for Mommy to keep up with you. I know it's hard being at home all day. There haven't been many sunny warm days for us to go on walks to the park. Your climbing skills have improved greatly over the last couple of weeks, you really are one smart cookie! Last week you had a goal of reaching the lock on the front door, since standing on your toes has not worked out for you, you found a box and pushed it up to the door then proceeded to climb the box to reach your goal. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. We are extremely worried about your safety but impressed on your problem solving skills!

I want you to know how happy you make your father and I. We love you so much and we hope you wake up and go to bed knowing how special you are.

Today was a hard day for you and I, you woke up cranky and Mommy was beyond exhausted but we stuck out the day. We danced, coloured, sang and went through some flash cards. When Daddy came home he gave you a bath after dinner like he does every night then he put you to bed. For whatever reason you were wide awake and chatting up a storm from your crib. Normally you fall asleep after 10 minutes or so but that was not the case tonight. I ended up taking you from your crib and rocking you as I sang our songs. Then you gave me the greatest gift of all, you fell asleep in my arms. Thank you sweet boy for being Mommy's baby for one more night. I love you to the moon and back.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter!

Jan 2012

Feb 2012

Feb 2012

Feb 2012

Feb 2012

Feb 2012

Feb 2012

Easter 2012

Hi everyone! Gus is growing so quickly that it is hard to keep up with him. He loves running and dancing but most of all he loves to laugh. He has such a great sense of humour it's so hard to be down when he's around. I am so amazed by how fast my little baby boy is maturing. In just a few weeks he will be a big brother and I can't wait to see how he will be with Peanut.Click to follow Peanut's Blog!

A few weeks ago we all were sick with a bug. One of those days I was constantly with my head in the toilet. Gus was home with me and he was such a gentle angel, he started rubbing my back and hugging me as I knelt down on the bathroom floor. He is my little hero. I am so proud of who he is becoming, I just feel so blessed to have him in my life.

As excited as I am to deliver peanut, I am so anxious about leaving Angus. I have never been away from him for more than one night. As I rock him to sleep, which is as often as he will let me, I start to soak in as much of him as I can. I know that after my c-section, I won't be able to pick up and rock my 30lbs little boy for awhile. It makes me cry every time I think of it. I don't want him to feel left out or unwanted. I miss him already.

Well Gus I want you to know that Mommy loves you no matter what and I am so proud of you. Having a sibling is the greatest gift I can give you. You will always have someone to play with, someone to laugh with and most of all you will have one more person who will love you forever. I am thankful everyday for my big brother and I can't wait for you to enjoy this new relationship. Sweet dreams my sweet pea. (Click to watch AJ's dancing debut)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our boy is One!!

 Wow, who can believe that our little Gus is now one year old! There have been so many moments of joy that have touched our hearts since Angus came into our lives. He has a great sense of humour. (I'm Canadian so accept my 'u' in humour!) He loves to laugh and smile. He thinks that every child was put on this earth to play with him. He melts hearts wherever he goes. He loves to run! Walking is not an option! He has been on the move since he was 11 months old. He loves to think he can talk, he is a non-stop babbler! He loves being on the phone and he gets a kick out of talking to the mirror.

 Angus is learning what the word 'no' means. He was in daycare for a while when I went back to work and he loved every day of it. We were so fortunate that we were able to get him into a brand new daycare that was so close to home. On his first day, Justin and I were a mess. We were trying to not cry when we dropped him off, luckily we both had the day off so we were cry babies together. Anyway we thought we'd give him a half day to ease him into the new environment so we picked him up after lunch...big mistake! He was so upset to see us! He cried all the way home...we felt so bad. The next morning AJ reached for his teacher when I dropped him off, so we let him stay the whole day.

AJ is no longer in daycare because we ended up finding out that I am pregnant AGAIN!! Because of my job and where I work, I am off on a preventative leave before I start my maternity leave. I love having this time to be at home with Angus. He is my constant entertainment and he is going to be the best big brother ever! The next little peanut is due in June and we are all so excited. So being that I am second born in my family, I want to be fair to both kids. I will be blogging about Peanuts journey on a new page and keep this on for Gus.

Happy holidays to everyone! xoxo

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Where are we now?!

Ok so each time I sit down to write, I forget what it is that I want to say and then Angus has a lot to say so he wins. Angus is 7 months and a couple of weeks now. He is still breastfed but does have formula every once and a while. He has started on solids, thank goodness. He is eating zucchini, sweet potatoes, carrots, avocado, banana, peach, pineapple, chicken and he is about to start on turkey. Oh and he has had rice, oat and barley cereals. This boy of mine loves to eat and it shows!! Angus is now 22.5 lbs and is wearing size 12 month clothing, not the 6-12 month but the 12-18 month outfits. His thighs are thunderous and his two tooth smile is the greatest in the world!

Angus is now able to getup on all fours as he is ready to crawl, however he is EASILY distracted and ends up on his tummy and rolls all over the floor instead. Rolling seems to be his preferred method of transportation, but if you get him to stand up and hold his hands, he will walk around for a bit. Well, the walking stops once he gets distracted and notices how close your fingers are to his mouth, then he bites!!

What else can I tell you??? He loves to sit on his own and he babbles non-stop!! Angus is such a joy, I sit back sometimes and think about how lucky I am to have such a wonderful being in my life.

No one can ever tell you how you will feel once you become a parent. The love I have for my child is endless and I am having the time of my life watching him grow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And we're back!!!

Every day that goes by, my heart learns to love more deeply. I can't believe my son is five months old. I can't believe that my life has become what it is today. I look at my journals from when I was teen, a narrative that was a naive yet jaded look at life and love and I wonder how the same person can have such contradicting feelings. That's life for you. I always knew there was a reason why my mother would not let me get a tattoo. If I had to live with the decisions that I thought I was old enough to make back then, then I would have a rainbow coloured turtle tattooed to my tummy! Thank God for mothers who can say 'no'.

A lot has happened since my last post. Our little Gus has traveled far and wide! In March we took a 3,581 km (2,225 miles) train ride to Edmonton. That was a huge trip because it took 3 days just to get there, we stayed for a few days then we were on our 3 day trip back home. The following Sunday Angus started swim lessons.

A remarkable experience happened while we were in Edmonton. We were planning on staying at a hotel but my cousin and his wife insisted that we stay with them. We were a little hesitant since it had been 10 years since I last saw my cousin and I had not yet met his wife or 15 month old son. We did not want to bring our occasionally high tempered 3 month old to their quiet home. But they were not taking no for an answer and we ended up glad that they offered. My cousin and I were so happy to see each other. I ALMOST forgot how much fun he was. But his wife, is now my new girlfriend. It was such a blast catching up and hanging out with another young family. The babies loved playing together, it was neat too because their son is almost exactly a year older than Gus. We had a great care-free time and loved every moment of it. They even took us to Banff which was a 4 hour drive just to get there.

We loved every moment we spent with them and miss them now that we are home. The remarkable moment that I mentioned happen when we were visiting. One evening Justin who is usually shy and reserve around new people, turned to me and said " you know, I came here a stranger and I now I leave feeling like I'm family". We both are grateful to my generous cousin and his family and can't wait to travel and reconnect with them again.

Okay on the fast track to where we are now. Angus is 5 months old, wearing clothes that are for 9 month old.  He has two teeth, the bottom front chompers. He is able to sit up for a while before falling over. :) He loves to talk doesn't matter the time of day. Angus rolls from his tummy to his sides and today he just rolled from his back to his tummy! He is a busy boy with Swim class on Sundays, Playgroup on Mondays, Music on Tuesdays and Parents with babies movies on Wednesdays.

We are having so much fun with our boy of joy, we can't wait for number 2 :) I'll keep you posted!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Good bye February Thanks for The Memories...

I can't believe February is over. I know it's a short month, but my oh my it just flew bye. What has happened with our boy, you ask. Well he has grown so much. Angus is responding to sounds, shapes and faces. He knows who Mommy and Daddy are. He coos and tries to talk as much as he can. One of his pet peeves is having a wet diaper...we have learned which cry means what...most of the time.

Valentine's weekend was wonderful. I was spoiled by my son and husband. Justin showered me with gifts as well as made the greatest video/ slide show ever of our lives together. I start to cry just thinking of it. (in a good way) We had a great weekend as a family and enjoyed pancakes with lots of syrup!

The next weekend we did a family photoshoot. We had Nana (my mom) Pops (her boyfriend) GG (my grandfather) and Uncle TJ. It was such a good time capturing the magic effect Angus has on our lives. It's like holding a beam of happiness that warms your heart. I loved that we are so blessed to have such great moments.

Last week Angus had his first train ride. We had a quick trip to Windsor to introduce Angus to his paternal grandparents and great grandmother. Well actually his first train ride turned into his first bus ride too since because of  'technical difficulties' on the first train (of two to get to our destination) we missed our connecting train. Angus was an angel on the way there but on our ride home he was possessed by the evil gas...oh the cries of pain!

Now we are getting ready for our big trip to Edmonton. Three days on the train just to get there. We are going to have a great time, I just know it. I am so excited to introduce AJ to his aunt (Justin's sister) and her family. We haven't seen them in years so it's going to be fun catching up.

I shall keep you posted on our boy's growth. He has become a beautiful little boy who one day will become an amazing man. As excited as I am to see who he will someday be, I am perfectly happy holding him close to me and wiping his chin till then.